When Childbirth Goes Wrong: Obstetrical Errors and Medical Malpractice

Blog, Medical Malpractice

Pregnancy and childbirth are meant to be joyous occasions, yet errors in obstetrical care can have profoundly negative outcomes for both mother and child. Such errors may serve as the basis for a medical malpractice claim.

Obstetrical malpractice occurs when healthcare providers delivering pregnancy or childbirth care fail to uphold the expected standard, resulting in harm to either the mother or the baby. This encompasses various scenarios, ranging from missed diagnoses during prenatal care to errors made during labor and delivery.

Common obstetrical mistakes that often lead to legal action include:

  • Inadequate fetal monitoring: Neglecting proper monitoring of vital signs during pregnancy or labor may overlook indications of fetal distress, potentially causing oxygen deprivation and subsequent brain damage.
  • Incorrect use of delivery instruments: While forceps and vacuums can aid in delivery, improper usage can result in severe injuries to either the mother or the baby, such as brachial plexus palsy or nerve damage.
  • Delayed C-section: In specific cases, a timely cesarean section might be necessary to safeguard the well-being of the mother or the baby. Postponing this procedure when medically warranted can lead to significant complications.
  • Mismanagement of high-risk pregnancies: Conditions like preeclampsia or gestational diabetes demand careful monitoring and specialized care. Failure to appropriately address these conditions can result in serious health complications for both the mother and the baby.

If you suspect that you or your child has suffered harm due to obstetrical negligence, seeking guidance from a medical malpractice attorney is crucial. These legal professionals can offer insights into your rights and assess the viability of your case.